Admission open in B.A./B.Sc. for session 2024-2025.                   Admissions have started for B.Ed 2024-25, counselling starts from 13th August. Mob:9450491205, 9140498946.                   Dayanand Girls' PG College is affiliated with Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University.
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  1. All Fee is payable in advance.
  2. Full Fee will be charged at the time of admission.
  3. Fee submitted will not be returned/refunded.


  1. A student seeking admission to the College shall produce
    1. A Certificate of Good character and conduct
    2. Self attested photocopy of marksheet and certificate of class X.
    3. Self attested photocopy of marksheet and certificate of class XII.
    4. Two passport size photographs (3" X 2") one to be affixed on the Identity Card and the other for office record.
  2. She shall present herself to the Principal with her application form for admission duly filled in and signed by her guardian; along with self attested copies of certificates mentioned above.
  3. The Principal, if satisfied after interviewing a student will accept her for admission.
  4. The students accepted by the Principal for admission will deposit college dues and other charges within stipulated time period.
  5. Receipt will be issued by the Bank, which is to be shown by the student to the Admission Incharge in order to receive admission slip indicating her class and subject of study.
  6. On production of fee receipt the student will receive her identity card.
  7. Students sending the application for admission by post will be required to present themselves before the Principal when they come to join the college and shall go through the procedure mentioned above.
  8. A candidate seeking admission to the college after the commencement of the session shall be required to pay institutional dues from the month of July.
  9. Students who are found guilty of using unfair means in the University Examination or found guilty of a serious breach of college discipline shall not be admitted.
  10. When a student has been found guilty of grave misconduct or of persistent idleness, or breach of college discipline, the Principal may according to the nature and gravity of the offence:
    1. Expel,
    2. Rusticate for a period of one academic year or,
    3. Disqualify such student from appearing at the ensuing examination.
  11. All students, who come from other institutions shall submit their transfer certificates within two weeks of their admission. Students who migrate from other Universities shall submit Migration Certificate also within three weeks of the admission.They shall also produce certificates relating to having passed the last qualiying examination, date of birth etc.
  12. The college reserves the right to refuse admission when necessary.
  13. The student will be responsible for the consequences if she misses any important announcement due to either being absent or careless.
  14. General assembly of the students, which is held every Monday must be attended by all the students.
  15. Students are expected to see the college notice board every day.
  16. RAGGING of any kind shall be severely dealt with as per law.


Timing of Classes may be changed as per the requirements at College Administrative level. Classes will be held according to the following timing.

B.A. & B.Sc. 08.30 A.M. to 04.30 P.M
B.Ed. & B.Lib. 10.30 A.M. to 04.30 P.M.
M.A. 10.30 A.M. to 04.30 P.M.
M.Sc. 10.30 A.M. to 04.30 P.M.

(Abstract of Ordinance 15)

Rules regarding Attendance:

No student shall be allowed to appear in the University Examination without 75% attendance.

Attendance in lectures and practical work referred to in this Ordinance will entitle a candidate to appear at the University Exam to complete a course of study. If a candidate does not then appear at the examination, she cannot be admitted to a subsequent class.

Provided further that for special reason a shortage of percentage not exceeding 15% of the total number of lectures delivered or practical work done in each subject may by condoned as below :-

  1. A shortage upto 5% of the total number of lectures delivered and practical work done in each subject may be condoned by the Principal of the college for sufficient reasons.
  2. A further shortage upto 10% may be condoned by the Vice Chancellor on the specific recommendation of the Principal of the College.
  3. For purpose of these rules not more than 2 lectures in the same subject, except in the case of Post-graduate classes shall be counted on any one day, provided the attendance at any lecture delivered within 15 days preceding the first day of the University Examination shall not be counted towards the required percentage.


  1. The attendance of the candidates appearing at the University Examination as regular students of the college shall be counted for the whole session. No candidate will be allowed 'PROVISIONAL ADMISSION' to any course of University unit and unless University declares under certain circumstances. It must be also noted that any shortage beyond 15% in the attendance even by the smallest fraction will not be condoned.
  2. The students have to submit their leave application duly signed by the guardians if she absents herself from classes for three or more days. M.A./M/Sc. students to the Principal Office, failing which neither attendance will be condoned, nor any other examination will be taken.