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The University has constituted an Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) under the provisions of the UGC (Prevention, Prevention and Control of Violence Against Women and College Students) Regulations-2015 and Violence Against Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal ) Act, 2013, Office Order No. 4499 partially modified dated 5 August 2016. This has become obligatory to all the colleges to establish Internal Complaints Committee.

The Committee works to solve problems related to sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace. As per UGC guidelines, the College has established ICC with the aim of creating a safe and supportive environment for female staff and students and our main objective is to focus on the guidelines laid down by the University Grant Commission for expeditious investigation of complaints outlined in the UGC Regulations-2015 and the Prevention of Sexual Harassment (PoSH) Act.

The Violence Against Women at Work place Act ( Defence , Safety and Security) Act, 2013, which replaced the Vishakha Directive of 1997, mandated the establishment of Internal Complaints Committees (ICC) in all Colleges and Universities. To implement these guidelines, the College adopted a Zero-tolerance policy towards sexual harassment.

Our college has established Internal Complaints Committee as per guidelines of UGC to nurture a healthy , secure and supportive environment for female staff and students.


The Internal Complaints Committee serves as a dedicated body formed by the College to address the complaints. Distinct from the Grievances Redressal Cell, Internal Complaints Committee operates with its own procedures and powers providing a safe and secure environment for employees and students of the College.

The College complaints committee sticks to the procedures prescribed by Sexual Harassment of women workplace Act , 2013 and the College rules to address the complaints .

The procedure includes the submission of the written complaints by aggrieved women to the convener of the committee within prescribed period of the incident. The convener of the committee shall convene a meeting and find out amicable solution and report it to College authorities.

The women’s Grievances Rederessal Cell Vishakha is committed to protecting and enhancing the well being of all female employees and students within the organization. Considering the gravity of problem Honourable Supreme Court has issued directives to all the Educational Institutions, Colleges and Universities to establish Sexual Harassment Cell/Committee to safeguard women employees and students from harassment at the work place. The Court has issued mandatory guidelines known as “Vishakha Guidelines” to prevent Harassment at work place. The Cell is dedicated to create a safe environment for the employees.

The Internal Complaints Committee is constituted to prevent the harassment at workplace within the College premises ensuring the policy’s implementations through proper reporting and follow up procedures, upholding the commitment of the college to providing congenial environment.

The jurisdiction of Internal Complaints Committee is extended to the entire students and staff engaged with the College. The Jurisdiction also covers the off campus employees on official duties .Penalties be imposed for those found guilty range from a bond of good behavior to dismissal and the Internal Complaints Committee ensures confidentiality and speedy investigations. The College addresses the seriousness of complaints about sexual harassment and abuse.

Creating conducive environment is essential for gender equality and women's empowerment which is reflected in the action plan of the College. It encompasses various activities related to preventing harassment and promoting gender equality.

University RepresentativeDirector C.D.C.Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj University, Kanpur--
Presiding OfficerDr. Archana DixitDepartment of Chemistry7007653360[email protected]
MembersProf. Rachna PrakashDepartment of Chemistry9839085854[email protected]
Dr. Jyoti Singh JadaunDepartment of Botany8004654079[email protected]
Shri Krishnendra KumarActing Office Superintendent9415078270[email protected]
Jasmine Ahmad, Student RepresentativeGraduate8009954929-
Kajal Vishwakarma, Student RepresentativePostgraduate8299136715-
Mahendra Upadhyaya, Student RepresentativeResearch7007356870-
Social WorkerDr. Sadhana GhoshShramik Bharti (NGO)9935535676[email protected]
AdvocateProf. (Dr.) D.N.N.S. YadavAllahabad High Court Lucknow Bench9935635493[email protected]
Prof. Archana Dixit

Department of Chemistry

Incharge ICC

Phone: 700765360

Email: [email protected]